Thursday, January 31, 2013

OOTD: Flowers & Leather

When I woke up today, my goals were to (a) wear my recently purchased pleather skirt and (b) incorporate some thrifted items.  This was the result...

The jacket and the flower scarf are some recently thrifted pieces from Goodwill.  Due to the muted color pallet, the look overall is very soft.  The presence of the hard, pleather skirt adds interest to this look by adding some contrast.

I also popped in some grey circle lenses.  I don't remember what kind these are but they are from the brand EOS.  My sister bought them for me for my birthday. This is my first time wearing them.  What do you think?

The Details:
Scarf: Goodwill 5.99
Loft Jacket: Goodwill 12.99
Pleather Skirt: Ross 11.99
Black Leggings: Ross 5.99
Shoes: Borrowed from my sister (but from Shoemint)

Do you own any pleather/leather pieces?  A few years ago, I thought leather was saved for motorcyclists and kinky time. o_O  Now I see, leather can really add a new dimension to your outfit with it's structured texture.

And now I leave you with an adorable nonsensical baby....

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

OOTD: Slouch.

It was another dreary day in Seattle, so keeping things cozy was my ultimate goal.  Flowing clothing and comfortable bottoms are key.  

The open-knit sweater is the star of this piece that I was able to snag at a thrift store the other day.  I had been looking for a good oversized sweater for ages.  When I find this lil guy at the affordable price of $9, I was overjoyed.  Plus, it has deep pockets!  Score!

Beanie: Gifted
Thermal (layered under sweater for extra warmth): Goodwill $2.99
Sweater: Buffalo Exchange $9.00
Leggings: Ross $5.99
Shoes: Gifted (from Sole Society)

What are your go to pieces on dreary, cold days?

See more OOTD, fashion inspiration, and constant Pokemon references on my Instagram!
Just look up shadyshine.  Thanks!

Lovely Ladies that Inspire

I don't know what happened.  But my passion for fashion has escalated as of late.  I think this is due to three Youtube Channels/Blogs: Wendy's Lookbook, Clothes Encounters, and The Fashion Citizen.  Wendy gives me inspiration for very refined, classic looks, while Jen, Stephanie, and Mel have inspirited me to thrift for these pieces.

Looking good and feeling good doesn't have to be expensive and this is what I aim to do.  As I search for my own personal style, I would like to share this journey with you and hopefully inspire some of you the way these girls have inspired me. :)

Below are some of my favorite videos/blog posts from the lovely ladies I mentioned above.

Wendy's Lookbook- Pairings: Peplum

Clothes Encounters- Winter Fashion Trends

The Fashion Citizen- DIY Peter Pan Collar

Who are your fashion inspirations?  How would you describe your personal style?  Let me know!  I would love to hear from you. :)